Category Archives: Wisdom, Poetry and Musings


Meditate upon the ray of light that pierces through a window on a sunny day—and imagine how that ray exists engulfed within its source, the sun. So too is the cosmos a nothingness absorbed within its Source, the Infinite Light.

Imagine the entire universe as a stream of conscious thought, and imagine how a single thought exists in its place of birth, a place before words, before things, where there is only One.

We created beings cannot perceive the Source with our fleshly eyes, and so we see a world. But to the Source there is no being, no entity, only the Infinite Light.

(Source: Daily Dose: R’ Tzvi Freeman)

Divrei Yoel: Light and Darkness

An idea: metaphorically speaking, sun/light metaphorically refer to clarity, positivity and joy in life. “Have a bright day.” “May His light shine upon you.” These statements refer to a positive experience due to an external cause (sun/light.) Not much physical effort on behalf of the individual, rather it requires more conceptually clarity and a willingness to receive the light. The positive experience is shared between both the external cause and the psychological efforts of the individual.

In contrast, also metaphorically speaking, darkness is a gloomy experience. Dark moments in life can cause much sadness and depression. The brightness in life has disappeared, the external source of light is lacking. Therefore, in order for the individual to find light in moments of darkness, he must make the effort. He must kindle a light when times are dark. The absence of light can be a result of his own actions or circumstantial external occurrences. However, to combat the darkness, the emergence of light relies more on him than external sources. A human being must therefore be the originator and provider of light in moments of darkness.

In conclusion, the dark moments of life allow for man to produce beneficial activity that would not have been able otherwise, had the light always been present. The darkness of life allows for a brighter man to emerge.

Musings on Beauty II

Musings on beauty

My entire life, I have always been a people watcher and have been fascinated by human appearance, experience and expression. The question of beauty is something that has always intrigued me. The following are my initial unstructured musings on the topic, a stream of consciousness:

The Power of Beauty

“Such is the power of our innate, undeniable, and often-suppressed desire to look good, achieve greatness and make sure others know about it. Such is the overlooked and underappreciated exercise of our own vanity. To put it bluntly (and to riff off that Hollywood icon of vain glory, Gordon Gekko), Vanity is good. Vanity is right. Vanity works, Caring about ones appearance, in the right way, is no character flaw. It is actually an essential train in a world that lavishes its attention, money, jobs, respect, and all around deference on good-looking people.”

“Studies have found that leaner, fitter, better-dressed, better looking people are paid more, promoted faster, and given more positive evaluations.”

“Researchers at Medaille College in Buffalo asked students to rate 400 professors on their helpfulness, caliry and looks. They found that the hottest teachers also rated highest in the other categories.”

(Source: Mens Health Look Great Grooming Guide Summer 2012)

Beauty is Objective

Physical attractiveness has objective and subjective elements; however there is general consensus, that there is a foundational objective standard of beauty that defies race, culture or personal preferences. This beauty can be quantified in terms of Symmetry, structure and proportion. (See Beauty Analysis and further writings/research of Stephen Marquardt)

The changing role and evolution of Beauty

In previous generations, divisions among people were determined by social status, class, race, wealth, intelligence, political power and influence.  In today’s generation there is a new element that although always present, now has a much greater weighting – physical attractiveness.

The major driver of this change has been technology, which means that we now live in a truly visual and global society. We are inundated with imagery of attractive, beautiful people. Magazines, Television, Movies, Internet, Advertisements, Billboards, Facebook, all of these are visual driven mediums that perpetuate beauty.

Society today has a stronger focus on health, exercise, eating right, and having a well-toned, athletic physique. Advancement in cosmetics, hair and facial products, plastic surgery, and digital imagery has resulted in enhanced, heighted standards and expectations of Beauty. You can say in a sense, we are seeing an evolution of beauty.

Self-Awareness and Social Rank

People have a self-awareness of their own appearance and have an innate ability to identify beauty, intuitively knowing their place in the attractiveness spectrum. It always interesting to note that for example in a high school setting, the “cool kids” those who are at the top of the social pyramid, are as a rule the best looking kids in the grade. The rest of the grade acknowledges that fact, placing them on a  pedestal, wanting to befriend them, imitate their mannerism and style of dress.

In general society, you will often notice that people of a similar rank in beauty will associate, befriend and “hang-out” with people who are of a similar rank. What you will also find is that people who are not considered attractive, are treated as “second class citizens” mocked and looked down upon. It was a curious phenomenon I observed many times in a high school setting, that people who were friends in their early years, become disassociated (sometimes via cruel mechanisms of character assignation and public disgrace) as they got into their late teens purely because of their physical appearance. (This interplay is often the theme of teen movies, eg “Never been kissed” with Drew Barrymore)

The cruel reality of life:

Human beings are very judgmental creatures, in an ideal world, people would be judged by their spiritual worth, moral choices they make and the good deeds they perform. However we do not live in an ideal world and that is not how reality works. People are perpetually judged on their personality, wealth, social status, race, intelligence, influence, opinions, families, associates and first and foremost by their physical appearance.

Granted, everyone has to “play the cards they are dealt”, and maximize their persona/appearance as best they can. Society is excited by this notion of “tikkun” correcting people’s lives and physical appearances for the better. — think of television shows like the The Biggest Looser, The Swan, Extreme Makover.

However there are always clearly defined limits of what can be achieved. There is an unfortunate cruel reality that not everyone can be good looking/beautiful, just as not everyone can be wealthy, intelligent or be an athlete. To be beautiful is a product of fate, of divine choosing.

When Yita Halberstams article was published, there was uproar. In my personal opinion she was just stating the harsh truth that is the reality of human existence. The less attractive you are (the article focuses on woman, but it applies just as equally to men) the harder time you are going to have finding people who want to date you.

Change of Focus for Society

You can’t deny reality, human nature is what it is and the makeup of our psychology is that physical appearance will forever be a dividing line among mankind; your face is your trademark defining the brand that is you.

However and this is where a change of focus has to occur on a societal level. Obviously, physical appearance is important, and no one is denying that, but the entire fixation of contemporary society and culture is on physical beauty and youth. This is to everyone’s detriment in the short and long term.

–          Without stating the obvious, not everyone can be beautiful and therefore to take the top 1% of physically attractive people, blast them over every visual medium is inevitably going to set a standard that is unattainable by the vast majority of mankind. With that standard in place, inevitably you are going to create a society of unhappy people and all the social ills, eating disorders and self-esteem issues we are witnessing. You cannot form a society based on standards and expectations that the vast majority of people can never attain, it doesn’t work and in a certain sense can only be considered cruel.

–           And even for the 1% of beautiful people, beauty does not last forever, eventually everyone’s body is going to wither away and everyone’s beauty will fade with time. Yes, the realm of cosmetic surgery can slow/reverse that trend, but nothing can stop the clock.

–          With a focus on youth and beauty, respect for the elderly, those with wisdom, depth and experience is rejected. People with inner qualities are not seen as role models anymore. As a consequence, attractive people, celebrities and athletes hold more authority on lifestyle, moral and political issues than people who really should have the final say on such matters. People often forget that being good looking, does not make you a good person

–          With an exclusive focus on external appearance there is no emphasis made on self-improvement, kindness, charity and good will, qualities that should really be the foundation of the society we build together.

–          A Torah perspective, any society that has man at the top of the pyramid, as opposed to G-d has a very short sighted, self-centered view of existence. Existence cannot be focused on something that is not eternal, that will not out live you.

–          A thought I have been musing over is that no human being has ever “seen” their own face, it is always via another medium (reflection, mirror, video recording). Many life lessons to learn from that paradigm.

Closing Thoughts

There is much to write and in a certain sense I struggle with how I want to end this post so I will end with this point:

The place where the issue of beauty and physical appearance has the most weight is when it comes to dating and finding ones life partner. To be alone, is a terrible state to be in, something that G-d acknowledges himself (“Genesis 2:18. And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man is alone”). We live in world where the body is important and many wonderful people are alone and single because of our visual driving society. It is fair to focus on the body but let us not forget the soul. For remember we are all created in the image of G-d and G-d does not have a body or form.

Its my prayer that everyone should have a year of health, and happiness, a year a self confidence and acceptance of our own appearance, a year where people who are looking for their soul mate should find it, where we focus more on peoples inner qualities, and where we build a society based on eternal G-dly qualities, for in that way we shall bring about the day where ” And the Lord shall become King over all the earth; on that day shall the Lord be one, and His name one. – Zechariah 14:9″

The End

Musings on Beauty – Part 1

Following my interview with Luke Ford  I have been meaning to write a post about “Human Beauty”.

As a preamble, I have included a list of sources that explore this topic in depth. I am going to collate my own personal thoughts and put them together as Part 2. I look forward to hearing comments, feedback and any other sources.


Torah Musings – Beautiful Wife
Torah Musings  Beautiful Wife – Part II

Purim And The Tyranny Of Beauty: A Plea to Mothers of Girls in Shidduchim

Responses to Purim and the Tyranny of Beauty:

1) How to Solve the Shidduch Crisis WITHOUT Advocating for a Bunch of Nose Jobs
2) A Response To Yitta Halberstam, Good Looking Jews And Jewish Mothers
3) Frum Bridalplasty? On Shidduch Dating and Bean Counting – by Rabbi Zev Farber
4) The shidduch crisis comes down to girls being too unattractive
5) Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Make Men More Mature Rather than Send Girls Under the Knife
6) Gila Manolson: A Response to Yitta Halberstam’s Plea to Mothers of Girls in Shidduchim
7) Advice Under The Knife: My Response to Halberstam


America’s Obsession: A Documentary
Beauty Pressure
The Photoshop Effect
Dove evolution
The Photoshop Effect
The Photoshop Effect: Part 2 Controversy
The Photoshop Effect: Part 3: Peer Pressure
Media’s Effect on Beauty
The Sexualisation of Girls
How Beauty Changed
Media Distorts our Perception of Beauty
The Media’s Distortion of Beauty
Hollywoods Stars Before and After Plastic Surgery

The Human Face – Beauty (Documentary with John Cleese and Elizabeth Hurley)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

1991 Miss ISrael Miri Goldfarb visits the Lubavitcher Rebbe

A Different Peace

A Different Peace
Tammuz 2, 5772 · June 22, 2012
Based on letters and talks of the Rebbe, Rabbi M. M. Schneerson

True peace is not a forced truce, not a homogenization of differences, not a common ground that abandons our home territories.

True peace is the oneness that sprouts from diversity, from a panorama of colors, strokes and textures. From the harmony of many instruments each playing a unique part, not one overlapping the other’s kingdom by even the breadth of a hair. There, in the most delightful beauty of this world, there shines G‑d’s most profound oneness.

Those who attempt to blur those borders, they are unwittingly destroying the world. Beginning with the crucial border between man and woman—for this is the beginning of all diversity, the sharpest focus of G‑d’s oneness, shining intensely upon His precious world.

—Likkutei Sichot, volume 18, Korach 3

What Women’s Media Needs to Know About Chassidic Women

Hi. I’m Chaya, and I am a Chassidic Jewish woman. I am also a media professional with a degree in Women’s Studies from a large, very liberal university (magna cum laude, baby!).

In the past few days, I’ve been reading the backlash against “the asifa,” a recent mass meeting of religious Jewish men meant to draw a few boundaries around Internet use in our homes (meaning religious Jewish homes; not your house).

Whenever religious Jews make a stink about some cultural issue, the media moves in on it with a bizarre kind of vengeance. Like yesterday, Katie J.M. Baker published an article on Jezebel about the event, in which she actually compared Jewish men to ants!

See: “While men in traditional Orthodox garb filed into Citi Field as steadily as a never-ending line of ants approaching an anthill…” Um, where have I seen Jews compard to insects before? Oh, wait, WWII.

As a resident of Brooklyn, the epicenter of all things hipster and the home of many, many clad-in-black religious Jews, I’d like to clarify a few things for all of you. Here are a few things you need to know about Chassidic women:

1. We are not imprisoned.
The last time I checked (which was right now), I am free to do whatever I want to do. Nobody is making me do anything. If I want to leave the community I live in, whether to go grocery shopping or to put on a pair of pants and go to a disco and snort coke, I can. Nobody is going to stop me. Would I wear a pair of skinny jeans and snort coke in a disco? No. Why?

2. We like ourselves the way we are. And most of us are happy.
Poor Deborah Feldman got the short end of the stick. She got a dysfunctional family and a crummy school. But listen: That happens everywhere. How many (non-Jewish or secular Jewish) friends of yours come from dysfunctional families and crappy schools and just couldn’t wait to leave home? Did they represent your entire hometown?

We call becoming lax in religious observance and adopting a secular lifestyle “frying out.” People fry out all the time. Most of us, though, feel like we are leading pretty rewarding lives.

Look at it this way: When your friends go to India to learn how to meditate and come home “leading spiritual lives” and suddenly won’t go out for barbecue with you, you think it is cool. Your friend is leading a spiritual life. Spiritual lives involve boundaries and not just doing whatever your body feels like at that second. We lead spiritual lives. Leading a spiritual life is rewarding.

3. We find our husbands attractive.

You know those guys with the long beards and the black coats who are always reading something in Hebrew on the train and you’re kind of freaked out by them? So they’re our husbands.

My husband has a very impressive beard. He wears a black suit, and a kippah and a black hat. He is also the most handsome, hot, attractive man in the entire world to me. Nobody forced me to marry him. My father did not trade me to him for a flock of sheep.

Fun fact: Jewish law prohibits marrying someone who you’re not attracted to. Another fun fact: In the Jewish marriage contract, one of the conditions of marriage is that a husband is obligated to sexually satisfy his wife. If my husband would deny “conjugal rights” to me, that’s grounds for divorce. Pretty effing progressive if you ask me.

4. We have been happily shagging for millennia. Jews never had the concept of “original sin.”

Judaism is the original sex-positive culture. What? You heard me right. Y’all need “sex-positive Third wave feminism” to help you feel like having sex is OK. Jews bypassed the whole Christian idea that all sex, even in marriage, is a sin. And Protestant asceticism just never happened for us.

G-d likes it when a married Jewish couple has sex. Jews never got a message that sex is dirty. We think sex is good. It is so good that having it is actually a commandment. No, we cannot shag “anything that moves.” No, we can’t sleep around or have sex outside of marriage. But once you’re married, sex is totally cool and awesome and G-d likes it.

I don’t know who made up the dumb story about having sex through a sheet, but let’s bury that old chestnut now. Having sex through a sheet is actually prohibited by Torah and we are commanded explicitly by G-d to get totally naked to shag. Just in case you’re wondering.

5. Mikveh is awesome. We don’t go to the mikveh because we’re “dirty.”

Holy moly! How many times have I heard feminists totally misread the Jewish practice of abstaining from sex during one’s period and then immersing in a mikveh (a ritual bath)? It is hard to explain this one to people who grew up in Puritan America.

When you hear the word “impure,” it has a totally different meaning than the meaning it has in the context of Torah. In Torah, you’re dealing with states of being that are related to the service in the Beis HaMikdash (the Great Temple). It’s called “ritual purity” and “ritual impurity.” These states of being have nothing to do with being dirty or clean. You could, in fact, not shower for days and roll in the mud and you’d still be “ritually pure.”

Are you confused? You should be. We think about these things in a paradigm that is so not the dominant paradigm.

All you need to know is that the practice of not touching your husband when you’re on your period and then immersing in a mikveh is awesome. Most women’s mikvehs are like spas. Picture the most beautiful spa you’ve ever been to, in a quiet all-girls safe space, and that’s mikveh.

Incidentally, Orthodox Jewish women have one of the lowest rates of cervical and other reproductive cancers because of…wait for it…these customs. We do not have sex at times that our vaginas are vulnerable to infection (such as right after birth). Because we do internal checks for menstrual blood the week after we finish menstruating, the rate of early detection of (G-d forbid) tumors and cysts in the vagina is very high.

You think we are sexually repressed and afraid of our own bodies just because we dress modestly? Every single Chassidic woman you see sticks her own fingers in her own vagina at least twice a day for 7 days of the month. The chicks in my women’s studies classes didn’t even do that.

In conclusion…

When you slam Orthodox Jews because you think you’re defending or somehow liberating the women of our communities, you’re actually doing us a huge disservice. When you slam Jewish men, you’re slamming us, too. Not in my name, gals.

The next time you see a Jewish lady in a wig pushing a baby carriage through Brooklyn, I hope you won’t see an imprisoned waif who is just waiting to be liberated. Cuz we’re not like that. We’re strong. We’re invincible. And we make delicious kugel. L’chaim, chicas!


Update: See interesting critique by R’Eliyahu Fink (

Life Lives On

Why is there death in the world? So that evil will not live forever.

Because, since we ate of the Tree of Knowledge, no one walks forward without stumbling, no one climbs without falling, no one does good all his life without causing some damage along the way. Until, at the end, our lives are an absurd muddle of good and evil inextricably bound.

With death, evil dies as well. The failures, the ugly acts and the damage done—all these wither and eventually perish. But the good we have accomplished—and that we truly are—this lives forever.—See Tzion B’mishpat, 5736

Its a small world. The fundamental cause of the Shidduch Crisis

Of late, there has been a lot of discussion in the Jewish media regarding shidduchim, and the growing number of people who are having difficulty finding a spouse in the Orthodox Jewish world.

There is much to be said on the topic, but I would like to make a simple observation that I do not recall being mentioned explicitly and that is the issue of population. A couple of point form comments to set the context.

–          There are roughly 6.8 billion people in the world

–          There are an estimated 13.4 million Jews in the world, that is 0.19% of the worlds  population

–          Out of these 13.4 million Jews, between 1.6m and 1.8m can be considered Orthodox so that is roughly 13% of the Jewish world population and 0.02% of the World Population.

– Orthodox Jews as a rule do not intermarry with Non-Orthodox Jews and therefore can only marry other Orthodox Jews.

Orthodox Judaism consists of multiple subgroups. You have the Chassidic world (Belz, Satmar, Ger, Lubavitch), the Yeshiva World, the Modern Orthodox/Dati Leumi worlds.  These sub groups due to philosophical, cultural and social issues do not as a rule intermarry with each other (although there are always exceptions, usually at the border lines eg Right Wing Modern Orthodox Jews sometimes marry people from the Yeshiva world).

Now taking the Modern Orthodox community as an example, there are further divisions. The community is further polarised in terms of a wide range of halachic/philosophical issues, dividing the camp into Modern Orthodox Liberal and Modern Orthodox Machmir. The major dividing lines are around the issue of womans dress (hair covering following marriage and pants), interaction with popular culture (television, movies, internet, theatre, concerts, night life) and the observance of Shomer Negiah (the prohibition of touching members of the opposite gender). These issues in many cases preclude dating opportunities between the two camps.

Another factor to note is that in the Orthodox community marriage at a young age is encouraged and expected on a communal and social level (much earlier than the average age in  America where it is 28.4 for men, 26.5 for women).  As an implication, life in the Orthodox jewish world becomes more complicated the older you become, as the number of potential matches dwindles further.

So there you have it, even before you begin the search, the world is a very small place. On top of that you have to filter it to find someone who you are attracted to, have chemistry with, share common values, goals and  interests and just simply enjoy each others company. If you have your own personal story (convert, baal teshuva, “older single”, race/ethnic minority, divorced, have children from a previous marriage or are a “foreigner”) things become even more complicated, exponentially so.

So there it is ladies and gentleman, the true cause of the shidduch crisis, shrinking the world from ~6.8billion people down to a couple of hundred, and thats even before you start shrinking it further with your own personal preferences…. Makes things complicated doesn’t it…

A couple of references

What happened to the laughter, Entertainment, Art and Natural Existence: Responsa II

Dear Rael,

I apologize for the delayed response. Thank you for your honest letter. They say a wise question is half an answer. Your question is no doubt wise and within its wisdom, I believe, lies the answer. I have taken the liberty of quoting your words in order to respond to your question:

The problem is both intellectual and the same time emotional.

To respond to an emotional question with an intellectual answer, or an intellectual question with an emotional answer, is obviously inadequate. As your question is both intellectual and emotional, I will address it both from the mind and the heart. Starting with intellectually:

Why is there the double standard? Why is contemporary Judaism so prudish, trying to create an artificially sanitized world disconnected from the experiences of the rest of mankind?

Very well put. The only correction I would make to your statement, is to change “contemporary Judaism” to “many contemporary Jews” who in their misunderstanding of core Judaism are so prudish…” Since its beginning, Judaism and its blueprint, the Torah, aims to refine the world so that it can be the best it can be. Rather than try to disconnect one from the experiences of the rest of mankind, the Torah actually focuses on connecting one’s experiences with the rest of mankind, in a pure and holy way. This is the Torah’s one and only standard. Every Mitzvah (translated as ‘connection’) we perform is meant to unite us with the world around us, humanity, and G-d. This is the reason we humans were sent to this earth (and do not remain in the lofty spiritual realms), to transform the material universe into a Divine home.

Why does it have to be such absolutes, why is there no room for grey, subtlety, balance?

You can ask the same question about music, and indeed about nature itself: Why are there only 7 notes or 12 half notes on the musical scale? Why do the laws of nature dictate deterministic and precisely defined rules? When played right, the absolutely defined musical notes allows to play music and lift the spirit to undefined places. And again, we are talking here not about how people interpret/distort Torah, but how Torah is in its original form: We live in a world of structure, and Torah’s goal is to help us elevate the structure to a state of spirit which transcends structure. Torah teaches us how to create connections, harmony and unity in a fragmented universe. As such it must be absolute in its principles and concrete in its foundations, lest the connections be flaky and weak. And these unwavering absolutes are subtle and balanced to the core. Think of it like the solid and unwavering roots of a tree, that then allow the tree to blossom in many directions, branching out, with leaves and fruits etc. Take away or weaken the solid foundation and the tree will not be able to “fly.”

Why are television/movies and literature out of bounds, but yet the Torah is free to delve and describe the full extent of existence?

We all have Free Will. If we choose to watch a movie, it is our choice alone. And the Torah’s purpose is not to remove our G-d-given Free Will. As stated above, the Torah wishes to provide a deeper option, a soul perspective, a unity amongst all things: Where the world at large says we “must” watch this film or follow this TV show, the Torah says one does not need a scripted show or pop experience to be the best they can be (at times, it may even detract). Sure movies are enjoyable but, from the Torah’s perspective, one’s soul descends into this world for a much deeper purpose: To create genuine connections with the people and world it comes in contact with. Technology, literature and the arts are tools to help us grow spiritually. When seen and used as such, they become part of the higher purpose. But so often they — the tools — become an end in itself, and then technology can enslave instead of emancipate us.

Of course, all of the above is dependent on one’s axioms: My axiom (borne out of skepticism, research, study) is that the Torah is a Divine blueprint for life and, thus, everything therein is meant to provide us with ways to better ourselves and help us fulfill the full potential of our lives. Therefore, every story in the Torah, no matter how it may seem to our finite minds, contains within it infinite wisdom and practical lessons how to live our lives to the fullest — emotionally, intellectually, psychologically and spiritually.

Without this axiomatic belief, the playing field changes…

The bottom line, and the question we should asking ourselves: Is what I’m doing right now the deepest, most soulful thing I can be doing?

Emotionally speaking: Do I love movies because they connect me to the world around me? Do I love Art, Entertainment, Science, Comedy, Philosophy because they make me a better, more refined person? Betterment, refinement, unity is all the Torah teaches, so clearly all the sciences, physical, social and political, including entertainment (if you call that a science), are mediums that can be used for spiritual development.

Sadly, Judaism has been hijacked by some who have rendered it into a lifeless, humorless, callous series of laws and ritual, with a vindictive G-d being an angry principal in heaven waiting to punish us, eliciting from us guilt, fear, demoralization and all the maladies that religion today is associated with. This is NOT the Judaism and Torah that I was taught. I share in your love of laughter and celebrating the zest and energy of life. G-d created us this way — and His Torah would never ask us to suppress that which makes us human — our free spirits. Indeed, the entire Torah came to free us from our material confines and the tentacles of social pressure. To discover our inner voices and to dance and sing our unique song. To allow is to become master of our fate and destiny — and instead of technology and modern cinema controlling us and our spirits, we control how to use it all for reaching the infinite and beyond.

I invite you to join me in this exhilarating journey, one ion which we can contribute to each other. Because after all, each of us is an indispensable musical note in one grand cosmic composition.

Of course, much more can be said on this topic and I look forward to continuing our dialogue.

As someone who seems to be inquisitive, I would like to take this opportunity to make you aware of our offerings: In addition to our weekly email thoughts and our comprehensives website (, we also broadcast a weekly online class on relevant and provocative issues. This week’s class, for example, was on Why We Hate Accountability, and can be viewed here. The classes are streamed live every Wednesday night, 8:15PM EST, and can be viewed anytime afterwards on our video page.

We are also in the process of developing a series of online workshops on various topics, and are looking for feedback from you on issues that would be of interest to you or anyone you know. After reading your note, perhaps it may be a good idea to do a workshop on the inner meaning of the Torah’s (sometimes cryptic) narrative. We are also beginning to offer one-on-one study via Skype (for a nominal fee). Please let me know if you are interested in any of this, or if you have any suggestions on what programs and content offerings you would be interested in seeing from us.

We are dedicated to developing programs that speak to people’s spiritual, psychological and emotional needs, offering resonating and empowering life skills that help us all lead more meaningful and fulfilling lives — and yes, lives filled with bubbling laughter and exuberance. As such your thoughts and feedback are absolutely vital to make this a success. As I said, we are partners in our cosmic journey, each of us contributing an indispensable musical note to the grand Divine composition.

Mendel Jacobson | Content Director

Meaningful Life Center

788 Eastern Parkway Suite 303

Brooklyn, NY 11213

718.774.6448 |

Love Sickness

Love Sickness

The source of all illness is the lovesickness of the soul. She yearns to return to her Beloved Above, and so is repulsed by the human form, her prison of pain.

Two things, then, must be repaired, and body and soul will be healed:

The human body must open itself to become a holy temple for the Infinite G‑d who desires it for His dwelling.

The soul must learn to discover the Infinite G‑d from within this human form, the place where He most desires to dwell.

—Maamar Ani Hashem Rof’echa

[Daily Dose – R’Tzvi Freemen)