Thoughts on the Media (Part 2): Confessions of an experienced TV watcher

Updated: Here is my new list of cartoons and movies, in alphebetical order. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to download (available here)

I’ll be honest – I used to watch a lot of tv growing up. A friend and I actually decided to sit down one day and reflect how much we could remember of the shows we had watched. We actually compiled a list (see above) and came up with about 100 kids television shows we could remember. Now that doesn’t include sitcoms, movies, the news, dramas, music, etc. Lets think about this for a minute, 100 shows x 30 min (the average duration of a show) = 3,000 minutes (500 hrs). Now we definitely didnt only watch one show, but a whole series. Say a series consisted of 30 shows (there was probably much more, but lets just stick with 30 shows) that leads to 15,000 hrs+ of TV and as mentioned that doesn’t include all the other movies, etc (my list so far of movies I can remember is about 200 with the help of IMDB database).

I have a lot of unresolved questions in my mind about growing up with TV. There is much I have benefited from and much I have been disadvantaged in. I hope to share my reflections on this at a later stage (its 11:38pm at the moment and I need to get up early tommorow, so I will call it a night for now – stay tuned)


The following are some very brief thougts and observations, some general that can be extended to all forms of media and some more specific to myself and my own personal experience.

1) TV is definitely entertaining (thats why people watch it). It literally takes you to a different "universe", a place where you never enter in your wildest dreams. The characters, the story lines, the theme songs, the special effects, those famous one liners great create emotions, insight and experience that I personally think you could not have gotten in the real world. The laughs, the tears, the memories stay with a person for a life time. (My favourite movie I would have to say is the Shawshank Redemption as a side point)

2) By being brought up on TV, one  automatically becomes a product of Western Society as the media has a great influence on peoples attitudes, opinions and behaviour. Peoples fashions, tastes and what is "cool" are all defined by Hollywood. Characters and those famous one liners eg ‘Astalavista Babe’ (Terminator) become part and parcel of peoples general knowledge and cultural affiliation.

3) There are however some devasting effects of television and as a person who has more observant over the years, this is a major challenge for me now and then. Reality is TV has a lot of foul language, coarse humour, pornagraphic imagery, violence, adult themes, etc. If I had to reflect back, I would have to say that there were shows and movies I saw growing up that kind of exposed me to the "adult side of life" removing much of my childhood innocence (perhaps before the appropriate time). Certain images and movie scenes are those I wish I hadn’t seen as they are eternally burned onto my subconcious.

However, I then question how much a person could live in a bubble. I often wonder how much I would of been "me", if not for the 1000’s of hours of TV watching. I question whether or not when I get married and have children (G-d willing) whether I would have a TV in my house. And if so, what programmes / movies would I let them watch. I question the negative effects, yet on the other hand I question that perhaps I would be severly depriving them. Is not a world without TV, radio, internet(?) a rather empty one? I dont have answers to these questions, maybe the readers can offer me some insight.

The following quote from Rabbi Mayer Shiller’s article ""Torah U’Madda" and "The Jewish Observer" Critique: Towards a Clarification of the Issues" from Torah U Madda Journal 6 1995 – 1996 (available here) comes to mind on this issue:

" Recently I sat with a prominent mitnagdic Rosh Yeshiva who waxed rhapsodic over Ebbets Field, Happy Felton’s Knothole Gang, "Campy" and "Pee Wee" and yet, felt obligated to declare those wonderous memories of his youth "shtusim". (26)

(26) Another mitnagdic Rosh Kollel told me that a trip to Niagra Falls would be "bittul Torah". However when reminded of the Abbot and Costello routine of "Niagra Falls", he laughed so hard he could barely catch his breath. I asked him what he thought G-d felt about the joy he experienced at the moment and he was a at loss to answer."

4) I personally watch very little TV at the moment due to the problems raised in point 3, and also because of other commitments (Torah Study, Uni, etc). I just do not have as much time as I used to. I usually watch the news every night, an occasional cricket game and the occasional episode of the Simpsons. However even when I do watch TV, I feel a sense of guilt. Reality is no matter how hard one tries, one cannot escape the "tumah". Even when watching the News, one cannot escape the half naked lady trying to sell you a toothbrush or some sports car. I  ask myself that perhaps my standards are "too frum" and that if that is my attitude I shouldnt walk in the street. I then ask myself what I am going to do for entertainment? (a huge problem with this generation, and I think I speak for myself and everyone here is our constant need for instant gratification including an endless need for entertainment and fun).

These are some of my thoughts, I would really like to hear what the readers have to say on this issue. Email me or leave a comment. Among the things I would like some input on are:

1) Is TV as inappropriate as we make it out to be, or are us Orthodox Jews just too super-sensitive? I mean isn’t the Torah a pretty adult- themed book with stories of murder, rape, incest, lust, etc? Doesn’t the Gemera contain seemingly rude comments / jokes / observations?

2) What do you do for entertainment? Do you have a TV in your home? Do you practice censorship with yourself or your families? What shows do or did you watch?

3) Do you feel the media in general or TV in particular has made you a better or a worse person? When you think back to your youth, do your favourite TV shows form part of your warm fuzzy memories? What have been your favourite shows / movies that have effected you in a positive way.

4) Anything else, etc, etc

Looking forward to some insightful comments. I would just like to congradulate the readers for the counter has just recently ticked over to 6000 hits. Great stuff, and keep on reading. This has been an absolute honour to be able to share my thoughts and I appreciate you all coming back to read. Its now 1:55 am, Thursday 19 January 2006 (Sydney, Australia). I had a sleep this afternoon and that is why I am still up :) Anyways off to go and sleep. Good night.

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