Noah Ark and the Flood in my mind is the ideal case study for all complications in the Bible, in regards to science, theology, history, authorship and morality. Below are some sources that discuss the issue.
Secular/Christian Responses:
-Life-sized’ Noah’s Ark which is being built in Kentucky
–Evidence Suggests Noah’s Ark Flood Existed, Says Robert Ballard, Archaeologist Who Found Titanic
–Bill Nye vs Ken Ham Debate
–National Centre of Science Education: The impossible voyage of Noahs Ark
-Flood Stories from around the world
Torah Responses:
–Dealing with the Deluge by Rabbi Slifkin
–Did the great Flood really happen and where? by Rabbi Efram Goldberg
– Science in the Flood by Prof Moshe Kave
Torah Musings Blog
–The Flood Narrative
–The Flood Narrative II
-Bereishit and Allegory
–Was there a Noach
–Was there a Noach II
-Fossil and Faith
books in ancient times was papyrus