My Random Act Of Kindness For The Day

It is about 12:00 at night. I was just reading my blogs as usual, you know catching up on the latest posts. I have been a little bit on the bored side recently. I haven’t mentioned it till now, but I am no longer working at Get Me On Media, long story, but yeah got retrenched so currently unemployed.

I went to a dinner the other night and one of the guys was talking about how important acts of kindness are. You know one of those feel good, be nice drashot. The guy who wasn’t a talmid chacham by any means, seemed genuinely sincere in his convictions about this point and “words from the heart, enter the heart”.

So tonight I decided to act on that advice. As you already know, Hirhurim, is one of my all time favorite blogs that I read prolifically. I have been reading every single day for the last 2-3 years. In fact Hirhurim, was one of my ‘inspirations’ for getting started in blogging in the first place. I thought to myself after reading through the latest post on Hirhurim, “Man, blogging takes a lot of work. To write intelligent posts, respond to comments, etc, it is work that is often really unappreciated, it is solely a labour of love. Here I am every day getting quality Torah education and insight dealing with all the complexities of life, for FREE. What thanks does the blogger get, nothing”.

So what did I do? Well, I decided to call up R’Gil Student. Yup, looked up his number on the internet, called him up and told R’Gil Student how much I enjoy his blog, how much I appreciate his work, that I have learned so much from him and that I really hope he goes from strength to strength in all his endeavors. He was really appreciative, said thank you very much, how it made his day and that was that. I know it was bit "random", but I got idea after hearing Rabbi Rakefet in one of his shiurim read out a letter to his class from a talmid who wrote to him thanking him for all his shiurim on tape he listened to over the years. Rabbi Rakefet was over the moon over that letter.

Now what is the moral of the story. No, I am not suggesting we all call up R’Gil Student. What I am suggesting is that practically if we all make an endeavor to do one extra nice thing for someone it a) makes the world a better place b) is a mitzvah c) makes them feel good and d) makes you feel good.

So I will end off this post with a salute to R’Gil Student and to all the other bloggers and commentators out there who contribute daily to our entertainment and our education. I publicly thank you all for all your hard work. Even though I don’t comment every time, I and thousands more are still reading. Keep up the great work. I also encourage all of you to do an extra random act of kindness today, and help make this world a better place.


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