Monthly Archives: April 2006

16 000 hits… Thanking you all

My counter just hit the 16,000 mark. Thanking you all for reading and for the comments that I get from time to time. Really appreciate it. I have not been able to blog as much as  I wanted. I really have to hand it to R’ Gil Student and guys like him who write up quality stuff every day. Don’t know where they get the time or the strength :). Anyways keep on reading and I should be posting some new stuff as soon as I can finish some Uni assignments. All the best, Cya

Some interesting Photos

Rabbi Bendory, has some intereresting photo gallerys which I have learnt a lot from

Check out the following (Warning, some of them are quite graphic)

Matzo Baking
Tefillin Checking
A visit to the Sofer
Salting and Kashering of Chickens
Semicha Ceremony

Happy browsing.