Litvish Vs Chassidic Worlds: Beard, Shetails and Dress

Here are some summary notes that I have been thinking of with regard to the difference between the Chassidic and Litvish world with regard to "externals". My thesis is that the difference in externals really represents a fundamental difference on a more intrinsic level. I feel that the Litvish world has been influenced more (seperate question whether this is a good / bad thing) by western culture and values.

Chassidic world

Full untrimmed beards
Untrimmed peyot
Long coats
Conservative style of glasses, watches
Style of eating more european..
Speak only yiddish
Unchanged curriculum from what is in Europe
More stringent on seperation between sexes
Get married at young age (18 – 20) as in Europe
Woman wear less attractive, more synthetic looking sheitals with head covering
Woman shave their hair
Wear conservative style of clothing
Go to mikvah everyday
Live in ghetto citys


All young men are clean shaven
Wear short designer suits
Adults have short, trimmed modern beards with shaved necks
Speak english
Changed corriculum to include secular studies
Woman wear more modern clothing
Woman wear more modern shetails that are longer, more attractive and more realistic looking

I am waiting for comments, before I start posting some of my own ideas on this matter. Comments please, I havent had any in weeks. Come on people this is nice controversial one to get you all thinking and to express your views.

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