As mentioned previously I am currently learning Mishnayot (I am currently up to chapter 22 of Shabbat, G-d willing I will keep on going strong). In the earlier chapters of Shabbat, I came accross an interesting tid-bit that I feel can serve as a valuable hashkafic lesson. It is Mishna 6:4. Below is a translation courtesy of the wonderful picture sefer "Pnay Shabbat: The illustrated Mishnayoth Shabbat" published in English by Feldheim.
A man should not go out with a sword, a bow, a shield, an Alloh, or a spear. And if he did go out, he is liable for a sin-offering.
R Elizer says: they are Ornaments for him
But the Sages say: they are nothing but dishonourable, as it is said:
"And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears in pruninghooks:
nation shall not life up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more (Yeshayahu 2:4)
May this time be soon, in our days.