Monthly Archives: November 2005

Quotes part 1

I am a big fan of "quotes". I have a file on my computer full of quotes and periodically will be uploading my favourite ones. Hopefully there will be many more coming shortly. If you have any favourite quotes of your own, please email it through with the subject line set to "quote".

"Your eye shall show no pity on them (Deuteronomy 7:16). We learn that Israel acted against its merciful nature [since otherwise this command would not have been necessary]. Even though the seven nations were despicable as a result of their abominations and had declared war on Israel after being asked for peace, the natural pity and forgiveness in the hearts of the people of Israel overcame them, and they acted only because of God’s command—not as, heaven forbid, those who take pleasure in war and aggression."Chazon Ish (Teharot, 299a)

Electric Shaver part 2

Of recent I have begun to remove my beard with depilatory cream. There are numerous reasons for myself having done so:

1. An electric shaver always used to give me a very terrible rash, particularly under my neck. With the depilatory cream I have not found that to be a problem. I have also found that the cream leaves the skin smoother and removes the hair more effectively than an electric shaver.

2. For halachic reasons the use of depilatory cream is “better”. There are many poskim who disapprove of the use of the electric shaving including (The Chazon Ish, The Steipler, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, The Chofetz Chaim, Rav Aharon Kotler, Rav Elyashiv, Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky, Rav Shlomo Zalman Aurebach and others1). The above mentioned poskim take views ranging from outright prohibition to a sense of weariness about the validity of the electric shaver.

3. It is true that the electric shaver has been sanctioned by use by Rav Moshe Feinstein (1895-1986) and Rav Yosef Eliyahu Henkin (1880-1973), however I have a couple of questions on their ruling being applicable today. The questions are not on the halachic arguments behind the leniency, but rather whether the mechanics of the electric shavers are in reality working according to their halachic underpinnings. The electric shaver has changed a lot over the last 20 – 30 years, with faster enginges and sharper blades. Also the introduction of the lift & cut mechanism has been seen by many to be problematic.

4. The following questions as extracted from Rabbi Yisrael Rosen’s2 lecture to students in the Gush Yeshiva in 20023, made me more aware of the difficulty in discerning answers to the above question.

i. “One might have expected that since an electric shaver cuts the hair through the protective screen, it should leave stubble in the length of the screen’s thickness. The fact, however, is that no hair remains. The biological explanation is that hair is flexible, and that in the course of shaving, it is pulled into the machine and then afterwards the remaining hair sinks back into the skin. This phenomenon raises a question: Do we follow the physical results that a small length of hair is left uncut, or do we follow the visible results that no unshaven hair remains?”

ii. Does the blade touch the skin? If the machine pulls in the hair, perhaps the skin is also pulled through the openings in the screen.

iii. Does the machine cut the hair solely with the blade like a lawn mower, or with a scissors-like action, the protective screen functioning as a second blade?

iv. The article then goes on to say the following: “In recent years, Machon Tzomet has ceased dealing with this issue, because close-up photographs taken by the Phillips Company have revealed that even with respect to shavers that had been declared "kosher," the blade usually cuts the hair even before it touches the screen. Thus, we are once again faced with the basic question: Either all shavers are kosher or they are all forbidden. Rabbi Rappaport, however, remains firm in his position, and continues to test shavers, just as he had done prior to the publication of the photographs.”

So in summary, I hope my actions would not be seen to be in the category of acting “overly righteous”, however I feel the above mentioned concerns are worthy of consideration. It is not my attention in this post to stop others from using the electric shaver, one has to follow the postion of one’s own posek. However I hope that this post would a) make one more aware of the issues involved and b) creater a greater respect for those holy individuals among our community who do not remove their beard at all.

1 See [] for more sources
2 Head of the Zomet. The Zomet Institute was established in 1988 in Alon Shevut,Gush Etzionwith the goal of addressing problems of:a) Halacha & Technology b) Torah & Science c) Judaism & Modern Society []
3 []

History of the Rav Kook – Rav Sonnenfeld dispute and its relevance for modern times (Part 1)

In light of recent events, most notably the Slifkin and Making of a Gadol (MOAG) affairs, I felt it would be worthwhile to look back into history to see if there is a precedent for such issues. Lo and Behold, while reading the brilliant translation of Orot by R’ Bazalel Naor (Rav Kook’s magnum opus delineating his world view and his mystical understanding of Israel, Redemption and History – see for purchasing info) I came across the following footnote (foot note 12, page 224). I will quote it in full and hope to comment on it later, since it is definitely a valuable primary source on these issues.

“Published in R. Hayyim Hirschensohn, Malki Ba-Kodesh IV (St. Louis: Moinester Printing Co., 5679 – 5682), Letter 10 (dated 18 Adar Sheni, 5681, 1921), p43-44 [See Porush, pp236-237.]

Because of the tremendous halachik stature of the Gaon R Zevi Pesah Frank (later Rav of Jerusalem), it would be worthwhile to cite the passage in its entirety, to serve as a corrective to much of the revisionist history concerning the Kook-Sonnenfeld dispute, which unfortunately passes in Orthodox circles today as authoritative:

‘As I wind up my letter, I should let his honor know a bit of the affairs of the town [Jerusalem], though it is not my way to write such things, for we could not write enough. However … directed us to inform his Honor. According to … his Honor has the ability to correct things. Having heard that it will of benefit, I find myself obligated to uncover the mystery enveloping the conduct of our city.

The Gaon, our Master RAY Hakohen Kook (may he live) was accepted here at Rav by the majority of the Holy Community here. It is well known that the members of Kollel Ungarin are envious of our Russian and Polish brethren. Especially, so that the proceeds earmarked to the Hungarians should increase, it is not good for them that the Chief Rabbi of the Holy City be other than Hungarian. So what did the members of Kollel Ungarin do? A few of them gathered together … At their head the old lad … He propagandized to found Vaad Ashkenazi (Ashkenazic Council). Now this old lad is a great expert in arranging elections from all, revealed only to him. The entire electrocal process is invisible. It is difficult to describe in writing his diligence in this matter. He puts together a list of a large committee, also a steering committee. On the surface, all is lovely. On the inside, all is rotten, for from the ranks of the Hungarians and Galicians he picks … youngsters and from the other kollelim, when he sees an old man or imbecile who won’t understand his tricks, he brings him into the Vaad. So the result of the invisible election is that he is the Secretary and young fellow… the Chairman. They write and sign tens of thousands of letters to America and the entire world in the name of all the Ashkenazim in Jerusalem … that Rav Hayyim Sonnenfeld is the Rav here, when all see and know that R. Hayyim Sonnenfeld was never, and will not be, the Rav, for he is an old, frail man for whom it is not possible to get involved in the affairs of the town. But this old lad uses him and his name as a pawn to destroy an entire city. He and his gang of empty fellows publicly, brazenly insult the Gaon Kook (may he live). The old lad got together with young writers who frequent the home of the ancient Rav Yishak Yeruham Diskin (may his light shine), for this old man is undre the influence of young secretaries… They manipulate him whether way they please and obtain his signature for all their antics. In my estimation, he is not guilt at all for he cannot see writing, and signing is also difficult for him The secretaries made for him a stamp of his signature which is an exact replica and they write and sign whatever they please. Woe to a generation whose leaders are such lads, little foxes.

About six weeks ago, I spoke with Rav Hayyim Sonnenfeld, and at one point, I asked him if it right that he signs himself as the Rav of the Ashkenazim in our Holy City?… He answered me that the truth is, he himself does not sign so, but they made for him a stamp and wrote this on it.

The Gaon, Our Master RAY Kook (may he live) is the Rav here. All the largest institutions are under his presidency. He is the Rav of the city and carries the burden of the community. They placed new, inexperienced people to carry the load of the community … These sycophants and insolent fellows stroke these old men to their advantage.

I wrote these things hurriedly, without order, as it does not fit my temperament to take care of such things. The upshot is, if his Honor can publicize the truth that the aforementioned elder sages – without disparaging them – are not communal leaders and one cannot pay attention to their signature. The affairs of the Jerusalem community, general and specific, temporal and spiritual are neither the domain of the elder sages nor their followers, who as a rule are simple folks who have put on a cloack of hypocrisy, announcing that they are zealots of the Lord. They use the names of the elders sages to blind peoples eyes, while anyone discerning sees that their aim is not truth, They employ smut sheets to stir up controversy in Israel.

His honor should let me know if any benefit may come of my words, which are but a drop of the sea of what should be known… ‘

The most puzzling thing about Rav Frank’s letter is the statement that Rav Sonnenfeld will not be Rav, when at the time of its writing, Rav Sonnenfeld had already accepted the position. However see Porush, p.320 (translation of article “Rekht far gerekhtikeit,” Dos Vort, Vilna, 17 Menahem Av, 5692/1932). who writes, “Even the rabbinate which they forced on the Gaon, the Zaddik, Rav Yosef Hayyim Sonnenfeld zt”l did not carry – as the local inhabitants know – any serious or official form.””

Thoughts on the Media (Part 1)

Being brought up in the secular world for the majority of my life, the media is something that has had a major influence on me. I was reflecting back the other day, now that I have entered into the matrix of the religious covenantal community, how much of "me" is because of my inherent nature, and how of much of "me" is because of external stimuli (media, etc). This is an interesting topic which I hope to explore later in this journal.

In order to assist me with this endeavor, I have started to document as many movies, television shows, songs and cartoons that I can recall. It is a fascinating activity and I highly recommend it to anyone.

The reasons for this activity are as follows:

1. It is a good way to test out your memory
2. Gives you the opportunity to relive the movie experience (for better or for worse)

It also allows you to see how much of the external stimuli in your life have effected you on a conscious and sub conscious level. Phrases you say, thought patterns you follow, attitudes you have; often these are all as a result of the influence of the media. I hope to share the results of this endeavor in the near future

Electric Shaver Part 1

The electric shaver in halacha is controversial. In order to understand the issues involved, please see the following online material.


"A Free public service, Awareness and Education Project, Making Today’s Shavers with Norelco Lift & Cut Technology Kosher”

This website promotes the removal of the lift & cut mechanism from Norelco Shavers (This website holds Norelco to be the most common brand currently on the market that is kosher, however they hold that the lift & cut mechanism must be removed first). There is a how to guide with instructions and color images how to do this procedure oneself []. Upon request, they will do this service themselves for you for free if you send in your Shaver heads by Mail (Located in Brooklyn, New York see for contact details)

Articles Online:

An article explaining the halachic mechanism for allowing the use of an electric shaver based on the principle of misparayim ke-ein ta’ar (literally: “a scissor like a razor”)

Audio Lectures:

Sites against the use of the Electric shaver:

In an upcoming post I shall post about my personal opinion and practice in this matter, but for now I hope this material will be off use to you.

1Halacha Berurah is a monthly newsletter that contains in-depth halachic discussions on contemporary issues, written in a lucid and concise, yet informative and thorough manner. It is published once a month, 12 months a year. Over 7,000 issues of Halacha Berurah are currently distributed in over 300 Shuls in the United States and Canada. Halacha Berurah has covered a wide range of topics including The International Dateline, Maaser Money, and many issues concerning the laws of kashrus and hilchos Shabbos. Each issue contains comprehensive source notes in lashon hakodesh for those who wish to research the halachic sources. (See for subscription information)

2Rav Shabtai Rappaport is a son in law of Rav Moshe Tendler (Rosh Yeshiva of RIETS) who in turn is a son in law of Rav Moshe Feinstein ZT”L (1895-1986)


Truth springs from argument amongst friends – David Hume

Welcome to my Blog

Greetings, welcome to my new blog. I originally had a blog, Orot | Lights []. As mentioned on that blog due to time constraints and a lack of expertise in the thought of Rav Kook ZT"L, I decided to leave that project to others. However, I am coming up to a 3 month vacation from University and I needed a new project to keep me busy. I hope you enjoy the new blog and I look forward to comments.